The last few months have been busy on the community front, with STEPtember, the Camp Quality Classic Cruise, and our usual charity morning teas. 


On Sunday 10 September, MEJ was proud to support the 8th annual Superheroes ACT Camp Quality Classic Cruise, which fundraises for children and families impacted by cancer.  

The Cruise is an annual one-hour scenic drive of classic cars, luxury exotic cars, unique vehicles and motorbikes from the Canberra Arboretum to Uriarra. Then back to the Questacon Carpark for a Show ‘n Shine of the vehicles, a BBQ and activities for the kids.    

This year’s event was fantastic with some wonderful entries, beautiful weather and a great community vibe. Overall, the event raised $120,000 for Camp Quality.   

The MEJ team was also excited to extend support to two local charities as part of our monthly morning tea. 

Sisters Inside 

Sisters Inside advocates for the collective human rights of women and girls in prison, and their families. They believe that environment and life circumstances play a major role in how people behave, which is why socially marginalised groups are disproportionately represented in prison.   

MEJ team member Samuel said he chose them because he had long admired their work, particularly their efforts in shifting prisons and the legal system from punishment and disenfranchisement to rehabilitation, and their understanding of how criminalisation leads to more social problems, not less, especially for marginalised communities. ‘I chose this charity to highlight the needs of incarcerated indigenous women and girls.’ 

Learn more at the Sisters Inside website. 


The second time this year Menslink has been chosen by the team, this important organisation offers men in the Canberra region free counselling, volunteer mentoring and education programs to help them build important emotional and social skills, like coping with stressful events and teamwork, so they can lead healthy, fulfilling lives. 

You can find out more by visiting the Menslink website. 


We are proud to support these important community organisations and events that make Canberra the brilliant city it is. We are passionate about playing our part too and will share links to charities we support each month to help spread the word. 


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